This is the homepage.

This is me (Soonray) ⬇                                  

That's how I look like in real life. Exactly. I'm a robot. A real robot. Yep. Not lying.

Important information: The above entity shows symptoms of what doctors like to call the "Deltarune brainrot". It is advised to stay away if one is concerned about getting infected.

Here's some stuff you may or may not want to see (other pages) (I will make more) (probably)

Here you can see all of the dialogue in Bugbo, taken from its captions. I wrote it down in notepad once because I was bored and later decided to make a webpage with it. You can read it or copy it or something Idc.

Is your   Machine   ugly? Does it needs some... Colorness?

With our NEWEST ...Petaly  Wallpaper, you can add Life to your Life!

For only ZERO (0) Dark Dollars (D$) you can perform the DOWNLOAD

and become eternelly blessed with the LOVABLE background.

Availability in two   Dimensions: Tele phone and Personal Competer.

To BEGIN the TRANSACTION, You must find CONNECTION with our Boss...

Soonreigh. under the followed Link of HYPER:

Wished luck,


This is the bottom of the page. Obviously.